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Mar 17, 2017 | Teaching Resource
The Heart-Mind Well-Being “heart” is a powerful tool for fostering social and emotional development and well-being in children, and youth. It was created as a visual representation of five positive hum...
May 4, 2017 | Teaching Resource
Canadian Prime Ministers come to life! There are two series of videos being currently made by this YouTube Channel. The first is a long version of each PM (between 6-12 minutes each) which incorporates...
Apr 3, 2017 | Teaching Resource
Developed by Peter Ellerton of the Critical Thinking Project at the University of Queensland, this site is a rich database of philosophy and critical thinking resources, free to access and free to down...
Feb 8, 2018 | Teaching Resource
A project-based learning activity in which students assess their community's ability to respond to crises and develop ideas for making it more resilient. Students participate in project-based learning ...
Jun 30, 2018 | Teaching Resource
Produced by the BC Social Studies Teachers’ Association, this document contains recommended resources for use by teachers when teaching Social Studies online. Many of these resources would also be usef...
Apr 24, 2020 | Teaching Resource
Link to Laura Candler's File Cabinet on Cooperative Learning: Cooperative learning is a powerful teaching strategy that's more than just a passing fad. Research has shown that when implemented properly...
Oct 3, 2014 | Teaching Resource
Welcome to Miss. Casella's Classroom! This is intended to provide free math and literacy lessons, as well as, to have an ongoing conversation with like-minded people. Emphasis is placed on social emoti...
Oct 16, 2016 | Teaching Resource
Two notes in two days from the bears! Being gay is just another kind of love. The bears inform us about the legalization of gay marriage in Ireland. Here in Canada too, people of the same gender can ma...
Oct 16, 2016 | Teaching Resource
Most viewed on Miss Casella's Classroom. Sherman Smith saw the most terrible thing happen. We the readers are not informed of what it was. This story is gently told and illustrated. It is a call-out to...
Oct 16, 2016 | Teaching Resource
Printable pdf card game made and shared by Mondolinguo about Francophone countries: jeu des sept familles""
Aug 18, 2017 | Teaching Resource
The Democracy in a Box Activity Kit helps participants explore democracy and voting – past and present – in British Columbia. The kit includes fun activities and resources, including supplies for a moc...
Jun 22, 2020 | Teaching Resource

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