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Grade 8-9, 10-12
Subject Languages, Core French
Resource type Classroom printable
Duration 15-20 minutes

About This Resource

This warm up activity reinforces the 3 ways to asking a question: Intonation, Est-ce que, Inversion. Students work in small teams to determine the solution to a enigmatic problem by asking the teacher only Yes/No questions. The more questions they ask the more points they earn. The teacher presents the enigmas one at a time in French. Students ask Comment dit-on ... Que veut-dire ... questions to verify their comprehension. Using images in the slides, synonyms, gestures or charades, the teacher explains the text. English is never required. Once understood, the teams ask yes/no questions to determine the solution. Each team scores points accordingly if they ask a properly phrased question: Intonation: 1 point, Est-ce que: 5 points, Inversion: 10 points. A poorly phrased question earns 0 points, nor does the teacher answer with oui/non. If a teams explains the solution, they earn 25 points. Points can be traded in for prizes/rewards. Students can earn individual points. Super FUN!
Enigmas (en français)

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