Your TTOC Silo
If you work as a Teacher Teaching on Call, you will earn experience credit under Article C.4 and LOU 11. This experience accumulates in your TTOC silo.
170 full days = 1 year
17 full days = 1 month
Your Contract Silo
If you also work in a contract, temporary or continuing, part time or full time, you will earn experience credit according to your local collective agreement provisions. This experience accumulates in your contract silo. Experience in
your contract silo is governed by your local collective agreement (CA) provisions. You will find these provisions in the B section of your CA. This is important because it will allow the two amounts of experience credit to be
combined towards moving to the next step on the salary grid.
Moving Experience Credit
Experience Credit is always moved from the TTOC silo to the Contract silo in one-month increments. If you request the transfer, all full months of experience will be moved to your contract silo. Fractions of experience less than 17 days will remain in
your TTOC silo to be combined with future days. Before you decide about moving your TTOC experience, you should find out how much credit you have in each silo. It should be provided on your pay statements. If not, contact your District to request
that information.
You can move your TTOC experience credit two times a year
Requests to move experience made by November 15 will be effective December 31 and request made by June 30 will be effective August 31. You must make the request using the agreed upon form available from your school district, prior to the deadline. Once
the form is submitted, the decision to transfer your experience credit is final.
Situations where you should move credits
- If you have one or more years of experience between the two silos, you should move the credit. It will move you to the next step.
- You should also move your TTOC credit to your contract silo if you have a continuing contract so that your TTOC credit is in your contract silo as you accumulate more contract experience towards the next step on the salary grid.
Situations that depend on your expected future work
If you have less than one year experience between the two silos and you are likely to get more contract work, consider moving the credit. With a bit more contract credit, you will move to
the next step.
If you have less than one year experience between the two silos and you are likely to get mostly TTOC work, consider NOT moving the credit. Keep accruing the TTOC silo and work towards
the next step with TTOC work.
If you have less than one year experience between the two silos and you only work as a TTOC, then don't move your experience credit and keep accruing it in your TTOC silo. When you reach
170 days, you will move to the next step on the salary grid. When you reach 170 days, you will move to the next step on the salary grid.
Once you move to the next step on the salary grid, through experience credit in either silo, that new salary step will apply to all your work. Be sure to double check that your new placement on the salary grid is applied to all your work. If you
subsequently move to another district, experience gained through Article C.4 as a TTOC may or may not be recognized for placement on the salary grid in the new district.